Turfgrass Sales & Landscape Supply Lexington SC



For your home lawn, we have different varieties of Zoysia grass for sale in Lexington, SC. Zoysia grass is a low-maintenance grass tolerates shade and wear well. Its outstanding green color and fine texture make this grass a prime choice to showcase any type of property or landscaping style.


El Toro Zoysia

All Zoysia grasses, such as El Toro, have excellent shade and wear tolerance. It is a low maintenance wide blade grass that is low maintenance and drought tolerant. This grass is perfect for home lawns.

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Empire Zoysia

All Zoysia grasses, such as Empire, have excellent shade and wear tolerance. It is a low maintenance wide blade grass that is low maintenance and drought tolerant. This grass is perfect for home lawns.

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Zeon Zoysia

All Zoysia grasses, such as Zeon, have excellent shade and wear tolerance. It is a low maintenance thin blade grass that is low maintenance and drought tolerant. This grass is perfect for home lawns.

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